AMC dimPCI 68VZ328 Uživatelský manuál

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Hardware / Software
AMC Technologies Corporation, July 2003
Revision 0.5.3 for SDK 2.05 Linux Kernel 2.0
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 114 115

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Strany 1 - Hardware / Software

dimmPCITM 68VZ328Hardware / SoftwareManualwww.amctechcorp.comAMC Technologies Corporation, July 2003Revision 0.5.3 for SDK 2.05 Linux Kernel 2.0

Strany 2 - Contact Information

10www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 3

100www.amctechcorp.comkernel.bin is a binary file containing the image of the compiled dimmPCI kernel, and it is the default kernel file.kernel.bin is

Strany 4 101Erasing the flash with the -em option allows for the journaling flash file system (jffs) to be preserved when youwish to load a

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102www.amctechcorp.comTo download using the default download program, image.bin:-dThis will download an image from the flash.To specify the download p

Strany 6 103AppendixThe following is the format of the init.b file:aaaaaaaaccdd’\n\r’ whereaaaaaaaa addresscc count (cannot be equal to 0

Strany 7 - Introduction

104www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 8 105AppendixLicensing, Copyrights & LiabilitydimmPCITM Software Development Kit DistributionThe different parts of the distribu

Strany 9 - System Requirements

106www.amctechcorp.comFor example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must givethe recipients all the rights

Strany 10 107You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your optionoffer warranty protection in exchan

Strany 11 - Features

108www.amctechcorp.coma) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must bedistributed under the terms of Sectio

Strany 12 - CPU Module Description 1096. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipientautomatically receives a license fro

Strany 13 - Backplane Description 11dimmPCITMuC68VZ328 Embedded MicrocontrollerFeaturesCPU Module• Powerful 33 MHz DragonBall microprocessor• Up to 32 Mbytes SDRAM•

Strany 14 - NETdimm

110www.amctechcorp.comfollowing the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by theFree Software Foundation. If

Strany 15 - Memory Map 111each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should haveat least the “copyright” line a

Strany 16 - FLASH ROM

112www.amctechcorp.comgrams. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linkingproprietary applications with

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114www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 19 - Ethernet Controller 115AppendixReferences/ Suggested Reading1998 O’Reilly. Linux Device Drivers. Alessandro Rubini.2001 O’Reilly. Understanding the L

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12www.amctechcorp.comGeneral DescriptionAMC Technologies Corporation (AMC) has developed the proposed dimmPCI™ standardsspecification which defines el

Strany 21 - Digital I/O 13The Dragonball dimmPCI™ CPU module supports Ethernet 10BaseT, two serial ports, and agraphical “PDA style” LCD interface. The m

Strany 22

14www.amctechcorp.comArchitectureFigure 1. CPU ArchitectureFigure 2. Backplane ArchitectureDIMMDIMMPCIRJ-45ETHERNETBATTERYDIMMUSBPS-2keyboardRS-232LCD

Strany 23 15The CPU Architecture consists of 4 main functional regions. The Ethernet Controller, the PCIInterface, the MCU Core and System

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16www.amctechcorp.comThe RTL8019 ethernet chip supports either 8/16-bit interfaces, but because most NE2000 compat-ible drivers have been written for

Strany 25 - Figure 7.7 IOdimm Signals 17A portion of the Flash has been allocated for use with the Journaling Flash File System (JFFS).The JFFS is mounted under the ‘/u

Strany 26 - Watchdog

18www.amctechcorp.comto its working position in the memory map and to initialize SDRAM to address 0x00000000.SDRAMThe SDRAM used on the dimmPCITM is t

Strany 27 19Ethernet ControllerThe dimmPCITM contains an on board RealTek RTL8019AS Ethernet controller and all thesupporting circuitry to i

Strany 28 - LCD Interface

2www.amctechcorp.comCopyright noticedimmPCITM System Development Kit CD-Rom, the text and graphics used in this manual, its cover, CD-Romartwork, dimm

Strany 29 - Signal Descriptions

20www.amctechcorp.comFigure 6. NETdimm Ethernet Schematic

Strany 30 21Digital I/OThe Motorola MC68VZ328 processor provides numerous general purpose I/O lines to the dimmPCITM.The lines which have no

Strany 31 - Maximum Ratings

22www.amctechcorp.comFigure 7.1 Digital Output SchematicFigure 7.2 Digital Input Schematic

Strany 32 23Figure 7.3 Analog Output Schematic

Strany 33 - Builder Kit

24www.amctechcorp.comFigure 7.5 Analog to Digital Converter SchematicFigure 7.4 Analog Input Schematic

Strany 34 25Figure 7.6 Digital to Analog Converter SchematicPin # SideA SideB1 Analog In 0 Analog In 12 Analog In 2 Analog In 33VIOVIO4VIOVI

Strany 35 - Customizing the filesystem

26www.amctechcorp.comRS-232The dimmPCITM provides a 10-pin header terminal RS232 port on the backplane capable ofrunning at up to 230400bps. RS232 li

Strany 36 27•Multiple processes may be individually registered with the watchdog, each providing its owntimeout time. Each process must upd

Strany 37 - Accessing the Network

28www.amctechcorp.comSPIA standard SPI bus is included on the dimmPCITM. This SPI bus is located on the DIMM socketoccupying pins 23-29 on both the A

Strany 38 29dimmPCITM Signal DescriptionsFigure 10. dimmPCITM signals for System SlotPin # SideA SideB Pin # SideA SideB1 ETHRX- ETHTX- 43 C

Strany 39 3NETdimm Developers Kit Quick Start GuideThis document is provided to help users bring up the NETdimm Developers Kit hardware ands

Strany 40

30www.amctechcorp.comPins 1-5 on the DIMM socket control the Ethernet port on the NETdimmTM. Pins 6-8 control the In-Circuit Emulator. Pins 9-13 con

Strany 41 31has been extended to include ‘readb/readw/readl and writeb/writew/writel’ functions.The PCI BIOS also includes extensions to per

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32www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 43 - Programming Mode 33uClinux InstallationInstalling the dimmPCITM SystemBuilder KitBefore beginningThis development kit requires an x86 compatible PC

Strany 44

34www.amctechcorp.comThis will remove the development tools and their links. Note: any additional files that you mayhave added to the SDK directories

Strany 45 35Creating a ROM imageBefore using the development hardware a file system will need to be created for use on it. The ‘/opt/fs’ d

Strany 46

36www.amctechcorp.cominetd.conf - this file contains information on which internet services the board willprovideinittab - determines which program wi

Strany 47 37Accessing the NetworkThe kernel supplied with the dimmPCITM CPU module supports TCP/IP networks (IPX is notsupported at this tim

Strany 48

38www.amctechcorp.comthe typical 0.70 version of ‘dhcpcd’) which is executed when an IP is first obtained, or should theIP address change (the common

Strany 49 39cd ~/dimmpcimkdir sourcecd sourceCreate a simple ‘hello world’ C program called ‘hello.c’ such as this:#include <stdio.h>v

Strany 50

4www.amctechcorp.comcomputer.9. Ensure the EMU BRK jumper is not installed.10. Open the Linux “minicom” application. Select the serial port attached

Strany 51 directory)/dimmpci/source (rw)Of course you will need to add the home directory. This will allow anyone read and write ac

Strany 52 41Updating Applications on your dimmPCI moduleThere are two methods for updating applications on the dimmPCI module: (1) create a

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42www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 54 43Programming ModeProgramming the uC68VZ328There are two methods of reprogramming the flash of the dimmPCI. The first (and prefer

Strany 55

44www.amctechcorp.com5. All processes will be halted, and the programming will begin. The progress is shown by a‘.’ displayed every 4kbytes. An ‘E’

Strany 56 45To use ‘oops’, the following steps must be followed:1. Insert the jumper on EMU BREAK and reset the dimmPCI board.2. Close any t

Strany 57

46www.amctechcorp.com3. The default kernel image file is ‘kernel.bin’ in the current working directory. The kernel.binfile is actually a symbolic link

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48www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 60 49AppendixSample CodeIncluded in the ‘/opt/samples/ directory are several files that show just some of the featuresavailable with

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Strany 62

50www.amctechcorp.comprintf (“Cannot open file\n”);exit (-1); } // print the string to file fprintf (file_handle, “Hello World!\n”); // cl

Strany 63 - Application Note 1 51}This program will read the date from the kernel clock and print it out to the standard outputstream.// date.c//// This will rea

Strany 64 // convert it to seconds since 1970 time_val.tv_sec = mktime (&tm_val); // set the time in the linux system clock

Strany 65 53Finally, this source uses the inetd superserver to create a simple network server that will echoany characters received back to

Strany 66 - Available Digital I/O Pins

54www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 67 55AppendixThe Journalling Flash File SystemThere are two different types of memory available on the dimmPCI CPU module, SDRAM andf

Strany 68 - Programming Structure

56www.amctechcorp.comA utility is included in the distribution that will erase all the data stored in the JFFS and reset itsconfiguration. This may b

Strany 69 - SEEK_CUR will 57

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58www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 71 - Even Parity 59CAppendixDevelopment Tool ChainsA development tool chain is the suite of programs (including the compiler, linker, assembler,di

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6www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 73

60www.amctechcorp.comNormal Usage of the PIC-COFF Tool ChainThe PIC-COFF tool chain is normally very easy to use. The ‘Hello world’ program supplied

Strany 74 61

Strany 75 - Application Note 2

62www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 76 - Kernel Configuration 63Application Note 1Using Digital I/O with dimmPCI ModulesD1July 4, 2003

Strany 77

64www.amctechcorp.comKernel and Filesystem ConfigurationThe uClinux 2.0 kernel must have the digital I/O option compiled for proper operation. These o

Strany 78 65Kernel and Filesystem Configuration Flow ChartYESAt command Prompt Main Menu Inside Menu Optioncd /opt/uClinux/linuxmake m

Strany 79 - Filesystem Configuration

66www.amctechcorp.comAvailable Digital I/O PinsThe number of pins available for digital I/O depends on the other options compiled into the kernel. Fo

Strany 80 67Table 1: List of all available digital I/O pinsssalCemaNtiucriCtroPtiBtolSmetsySenalpkcaBniPredaeHenalpkcaBnwoD-lluP/pU-lluProts

Strany 81

68www.amctechcorp.comProgramming StructureThe structure that should be used to store pin configuration and information is dimm_io from dimmio.h,locate

Strany 82 - Host machine Configuration 69Digital I/O FunctionsThe low level functions used to manipulate the digital I/O points are the system calls open, lseek, read,wr

Strany 83 7IntroductionLaunching Linux at the embeddedThe modern world runs on computers and technology. Every corner you turn, every road

Strany 84

70www.amctechcorp.comDIMM_IO_IOCTL_MAP will return an offset given a port and bit number. The bit and portnumber must be assigned to port_number and

Strany 85 - Application Note 4 71Sample ProgramsEach of the sample programs even_parity.c and xor.c demonstrate simple use of digital I/O. The source codefor th

Strany 86 - Simple Server & Client

72www.amctechcorp.comCheck if digital I/O character device exists: cd /opt/fs/romdisk/dev lsDoes io1 node exist?In the current /opt/fs/romdisk/dev

Strany 87 73

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74www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 89 - Application Note 5 75D2Application Note 2Configuring dimmPCI Modules for CommunicationApril 21, 2003

Strany 90

76www.amctechcorp.comOn the NETdimm in the system slot, the ethernet port, eth0, must be configured to have an IP address on thelocal network for your

Strany 91 77From the main menu, inside of Networking Options this option must be set:IP forwarding/gatewayingAgain, from the main menu under

Strany 92 - Available I/O Pins Kernel Configuration Flow ChartAt Command PromptMain Menu OptionOptions to Selectcd /opt/uClinux/linuxmake menuconfigGeneral Set

Strany 93 - I/O Functions 79Filesystem ConfigurationFor the dimmPCI units to be correctly configured for the subnet, the rc file must be modified. These di

Strany 94 - () () () ()

8www.amctechcorp.comBesides all of the impressive features of Linux, it is also openly available in several differentarrangements and configurations.

Strany 95

80www.amctechcorp.comspecified since pci0 will be the network interface. The gateway value must correspond to the IP address of thesystem slot pci0,

Strany 96 81Filesystem Configuration Flow ChartAt Command PromptModifications to ‘rc’ fileCopy filesystemcd /opt/cp –Rpdx newfs sysfscp –Rpd

Strany 97

82www.amctechcorp.comHost machine ConfigurationAfter configuring the two dimmPCI modules, they can now communicate with each other, as well as theouts

Strany 98 83

Strany 99 - Oops Documentation

84www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 100 - Upload & Flash 85D3Application Note 4Using Multiple NETdimm ModulesAuthor: Bernice Lau Version 0.1AbstractOn a dimmPCI backplane, there are sever

Strany 101 - Download

86www.amctechcorp.comSimple Server & ClientThe sample programs server.c and client.c are available in the SDK samples directory,/opt/user_code/net

Strany 102 - Common oops program arguments 87inetd.conf. Upon receiving a connection request, it will start up the server. Therefore the server has no needto set up socket

Strany 103 - Appendix

88www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 104 89D4Application Note 5Using Analog and Digital I/O with theIOdimmJune 30, 2003

Strany 105 9What’s on the CD?On the CD you will find:• µClinux source files with patches to work on the dimmPCITM platform.• GCC cross compil


90www.amctechcorp.comAfter saving your configuration changes, use the following commands in the same directory to completecompilation of your kernel.m

Strany 107 91 cd /opt/uClinux/linux make menuconfig At Command Prompt Main Menu Inside Menu Option Platform dependent support SPI suppor

Strany 108

92www.amctechcorp.comCategory Channel Backplane System Slot Backplane Header Pin Analog Input 0 A1 JP1/1 1 B1 JP2/1 2 A2 JP1/2 3 B2 JP2/2

Strany 109 93I/O FunctionsThe low level functions used to manipulate the I/O channels are the system calls open, lseek, read,write, close, an

Strany 110

94www.amctechcorp.comAs shipped, each ADC channel has a divide by 4 attenuator stage and a multiply by 2 amplifier stage. Thus fora signal applied to

Strany 111 95The sample FIR is a quick and dirty low pass filter with linear phase. The design parameters of the filter are a–3dB cutoff at

Strany 112 - Software Development Kit in0 in1 in2 in3 in4 in5 in6 in7 out0 Even Parity even_parity_iodi

Strany 113 97

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98www.amctechcorp.comThis page left intentionally blank

Strany 115 99D5Oops DocumentationUsing OopsJune 11, 2003 Version 0.1Aut

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