Page: 1 of 10 AMC XN-11n Wireless HDMI Video Link Real-time, high-definition wireless
Page: 10 of 10WELTRONICS CORP.LONDON/L.A.AMC Web: http://www.amchome.comPN: 21-XN-11n_IM_AP a g e 1 0 o f 1 0P N : 2 1 - X N - 1 1 n _ I M _ A
Page: 2 of 10APPLICATION AND FEATURE LISTFEATURES OF THE AMCTM MODEL XN-11n * Real-time, high-definition wireless video streaming * Full HDTV
Page: 3 of 10I. Features:XN-11n TransmitterTop View 1Front View
Page: 4 of 10 1. Input Selector2. LED indicator of HDMI 1 The LED will be light up when HDMI 1 input will be selected
Page: 5 of 10XN-11n ReceiverTop ViewFront View
Page: 6 of 101. Power LEDThe LED will be light up when Power is ON.2. Link LEDThe LED will be light up when the Receiver is Linked to Transmitter thro
Page: 7 of 10Touch Panel TP1 Touch Panel TP2Mobile Touch Panel MTP1Residential Terminal RT1Remote Control P a g e 7 o f 1 0P N : 2 1 - X N - 1
Page: 8 of 10J. Installing the XN-11n Wireless HDMI Video Link,1. No Pre-wiring requiredThe XN-11n is using wireless 802.11n to link between HDMI sour
Page: 9 of 10SPECIFICATIONSAudio ..................... 2 channel stereoSupport video
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