AMC iA 480X Specifikace

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Sensing & Inspection Technologies
Advanced Modular Calibration and HART
Communication System
DPI 620 Series
Combines an advanced multi-function calibrator and HART communicator
with world-class pressure measurement and generation.
Now with ATEX /IEC approval.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 19 20

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Strany 1 - DPI 620 Series

GESensing & Inspection TechnologiesAdvanced Modular Calibration and HART®Communication SystemDPI 620 SeriesCombines an advanced multi-function cal

Strany 2 - HART communicators

10 Note:TheseguresrelatetoDPI620uncertaintiesonly.ForRTDMeasureandSourcefunctionstheuncertaintyis given by:-Urtd=T(°C)x%Rdg+To

Strany 3 - Aexiblemodularsystem

11 SpecicationsrelatetoDPI620uncertaintiesonlyMeasurementresolution0.01°C/F.Simulationresolution0.1°C/FColdJunction(CJ)Error(maxim

Strany 4 - The DPI 620 Series

12 PM 620 Pressure ModulesFeatures•Fullyinterchangeablewithnoneedforset-uporcalibration•Simplescrewt-handtightnotoolsrequired

Strany 5 - CommunicatorwithWindowsCE

13 PM 620 IS Pressure Module and Dummy Pressure Module SpecificationOperating temperature -10to40°C(14to104°F)Approval Baseefa10ATEX0012XIECEx

Strany 6 - TechnicalSpecications

14 ThePV621,622and623Pressure StationsFeatures•Auniquelycapable,re-rangeableandselfcontainedpressuretestsystem•Advancedpressure

Strany 8

16 Ordering InformationPlease order the following model numbers and part numbers as separate line items. Model DPI 620Advanced modular calibratorMod

Strany 9

17 USBcable(P/NIO620-USB-PC)2Connects the DPI 620 to a PC.IDOStoUSBconverter(P/NIO620-IDOS-USB)1Allows connection of an IDOS universal pre

Strany 10

18 PV621,622,623and MC 620 AccessoriesDirt moisture trapPreventscontaminationofthePV621and622pneumaticsystemsand cross contamination

Strany 11

19 PneumatichosekitP/N IO620-HOSE-P1-ISAsIO620-HOSE-P1butsuitableforuseinhazardousareasP/N IO620-HOSE-P2-ISAsIO620-HOSE-P2butsuitablef

Strany 12 - MC 620 Module Carrier

2 System features• Modularconceptprovidesgreaterexibility• ATEXandIECapprovedforhazardousareas• Re-rangeduringuse• Expandovertime

Strany 13 - PM 620 Specification


Strany 14 - Pressure Stations

3 Features• Multi-functioncapabilities:electrical,frequency,temperatureandpressure• ATEX/IECapproved• CompleteHARTcommunicatorincluded•

Strany 15

4 The DPI 620 Series Advanced Modular Calibrator and HART Communicator Features•Measure,sourceandsimulatemultipleparameters•CompleteHARTc

Strany 16 - DPI 620 / DPI 620 CE

5 High performance HART communicatorThe DPI 620 multifunction calibrator now incorporates a fully featured HART®communicatorwhichsurpassesmarket

Strany 17 - Accessoriesspecically

6 TheDPI620CEwithWiFi*Advanced Modular Calibrator and HART CommunicatorAwirelessIEEE802.11genabledMultifunctionElectricalCalibratorand

Strany 19 - Supporting Services

8 Electrical Measurement and SourceNLH&R±1°C(2°F)for24hrs(note1)TotalUncertainty10°to30°C(50°to86°F) for1year(note3)Additional

Strany 20 - ©2010AllRightsReserved.

9 “True Ohms” RTD Measure Mode (4-wire)Type Temperature coecientTemperature range TotalUncertainty10°to30°C(50°to86°F)for1year°C °F Rdg To

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